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Game info: One-Deck game type; 1 deck; no redeal

  • Game time: Long
  • Difficulty level: Hard
  • Skill level: Moderate
  • Chance of winning: Low (about 1 in 25)

Object of the game: Move all the cards to the foundations.

Solitaire Rules

Foundations (4 piles: complete these piles to win the game)

  • Place two Aces of the same color (red or black) in their appropriate places on the foundation row and two Kings of the opposite color (red or black) in theirs. You can choose red Aces and black Kings, or black Aces and red Kings, as you wish.

  • For the first 2 foundations (left): build up in suit from Ace to King (for example, a 2 can only be played on an Ace).

  • For the last 2 foundations (right): build down in suit from King to Ace (for example, a Queen can only be played on a King).

Tableau (8 piles in 2 rows of 4 cards each)

During the deal

  • From the upper row, you can play any card to any foundations.

  • From the lower row, you can play a card only to the foundation directly above it.

After the whole stock is dealt

  • The top card of each pile is available for play on all foundations.

  • The top card of each pile is available for play on all other piles, building up or down regardless of suit (for example, you can play a Jack or a 9 on a 10).

  • Ranking of cards is continuous: Aces may be built on Kings and vice versa.

  • Spaces are not filled.


  • Turn cards up from the stock to each tableau pile by clicking.

  • There is no redeal.

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